
mature content can occur, if you are of any kind, a sensitive soul, be ware that SLASH FANFICTION may offend.

I do not own ANY of the characters, I just amuse you with their hidden stories!

Part Two - Until That Moment

He was shaking allright, but he was sitting behind his desk, both hands covering his face, sobbing quietly. He was waiting for him to return...
Harry had never been one to comfort, rather the one needing to be comforted, and as he moved closer to the sadfaced man by the desk, he figured a hug might be better than a bunch of incompetent words.
Ron's worst shivering stopped as Harry put an arm aruond his shoulders. He gave it a firm squeeze, and smiled reassuringly. The smile was halfly returned, accompanied by a pair of teary eyes.
Harry slid up on the desk, facing Ron, and grabbed his hand while he ordered him to talk, in a way that only Snape had used, that was obviously almost as effective coming from Harry. At least it made Ron talk.
And he talked. For nearly two hours, he talked. About how he had been watching Harry getting ready for bed, the last three years of school. About how he had grown from seeing him as a friend, through admiring him as a hero, to finding himself helplessly in love with his best friend. How he hadn't told a soul about it, in fair of beeing expelled (or worse, killed).
How he had grown furter, after discovering the true desire of Harrys heart, and watching in agony, every time Harry had been turned down and thrown away by the one his heart desired.

Until that moment.

Ron had "grown out of it", or decided that it was Harry or noone. And slowly, he had found himself more and more attracted to Hermione. There had been an obviouse spark between them scince they first met, and it was no doubt that if there was to be anyone else, it had to be her. Last year the two of them had become parents to a pare of beautiful twin boys. Naturally called Fred and George, to honour the names of Ron's brothers who died during the last war. Harry, was godfather to both boys.

Harry still couldn't believe Ron had been there that night in the dungeons, and asked how much of it he had witnessed. If he had followed him insidethe dungeons.
Again, Rons eyes watered with tears, but this time it was accompanied by a grin. The kind of grin a straight man would give you after seeing his first real girl-on-girl porn. He had witnessed it all.
Not hat it had been so much to witness. There had been no hardcore, headbanging, outrageous sex. There had nearly been anything more than an innocent kiss, but to Harry, it had been everything. The beginning.

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I do NOT own ANY of the characters used in this FANfiction.

All rights belong til J.K.Rowling - to whom we all owe our sanity.