
mature content can occur, if you are of any kind, a sensitive soul, be ware that SLASH FANFICTION may offend.

I do not own ANY of the characters, I just amuse you with their hidden stories!

Part Fifteen - By the Lake

Severus looked helpless when Harry stopped talking. Like someone had just left him on a deserted island without any help. Without food or water. Left to die. I hurt so bad to see him like that. It had to be something he could do. To make it easier. But deep inside Harry knew. He couldn’t. This wasn’t his war to fight. For once he was nothing but a victime. He had to stay put and wait. And for the first time since he had gotten together with Severus, he felt he needed something more. He needed Albus. The one thing he couldn’t have. And he knew that his lover felt just the same.

Severus’ head rested in Harrys lap. He thought of Neville being scary again and laughed when he heard Harrys breath tighten, he looked up into his face, to discover it was glowing of pain. It looked like those nights during the war, when his scar had hurt him so bad, he hadn’t even been able to cry. Only this time, snape knew where the pain was. He felt Harrys hand on his chest. He felt the shivering it carried. And he knew. And he knew it because he felt the same. This was his whole world. Harry was his whole world, and he had no idea if they would survive outside Hogwarts. Harry had other obligations now too, and Severus had been invited to quidditch-practice occationally. He had joined him a couple of times too, sitting there, alone, watching his lover divide air, chasing that vivid golden ball. But he wasn’t much of a social man. He didn’t enjoy lot’s of people at a time. He knew he and Harry were different. But as long as Hogwarts was their place, they were the same. If they couldn’t have that any longer, what would they have.
Severus faired that if thay had to move, Harrys life would be out there with all those other people, and that his life would be inside. Locked up by his own feelings. His fair of being displayed. Of being looked at too much. Harry had never had that problem. They would fall apart.

He felt Harrys light touch on his cheek. He hadn’t noticed the tear. ”Not to worry” Harry whispered… ”I wouldn’t ever leave you inside when I’d go out…..either it’s you and me outside, or you and me inside. No alterntives. You are my world too you know.”
Severus never learned. He had taught Harry the skills of Occlumency himself. As he often was reminded. He knew very well to protect his thoughts, but he rarely bothered. After all, Harry had to use his own forces to get trough, and he rarely bothered to do that….but, he guessed he had looked particularly thoughtful, and Harry didn’t mind asking. He just listened. There were only few things hidden anyways. And those few things were WELL hidden. And Harry’d never look into things he shouldn’t know. He was too good a man to do such a thing.

Both of them snapped back to reality, as Minerva came running towards them, yelling in a high-pitched voice that they had to be careful. They had to be less obvious.
She had stopped by Harrys class to tell news from Dumbledore, and had entered a classroom full of wellbehaved four- and fithyears. She wondered what the threat had been this time, and laughed as well, as she got the answer. She had however collected their assignments, and let them of the hook. They would be out on the grounds in short time, and the two professors huddled together like this, would be no good for their case.

Severus rose from Harrys lap, and yawned. Minerva smiled relieved.
She had still been a little scared she had ruined the man for good, after her behaviour the other night. Luckily they were both allright. Severus assured her he was really ok, but made it clear that she had nearly killed him, accompanied by a grin.

The news from Albus was that things were slow. Pros and cons to the law, were almost as many on both sides, and there was difficulties in deciding. Kingsley had just held a long speech on behalf of Harry and Severus, and demanded some answers to why this had happened just now, and the rest was put on hold until tomorrow. They were given some time to think. Harry hated ”time to think”. It did no good. But there was nothing to do. Merely waiting.

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I do NOT own ANY of the characters used in this FANfiction.

All rights belong til J.K.Rowling - to whom we all owe our sanity.