
mature content can occur, if you are of any kind, a sensitive soul, be ware that SLASH FANFICTION may offend.

I do not own ANY of the characters, I just amuse you with their hidden stories!

Part Twelve - Headmistress' Office

At breakfast Harry didn’t eat much. He really didn’t want to have his upcoming chat, and he knew Severus could tell. He felt the tension form his right side, and as Severus slid his hand down Harry’s back, he knew the look in his eyes without even turning his head. His lover was concerned. They weren’t too ”out in the public” at school-premesis, as students had enough to worry their heads with, if not to watch their professors snuggling all the time too. But Harry couldn’t help it. Hi let hishead fall to his lovers shoulder for a moment, as he gathered his thoughts and cathed his breath.
Minerva sent Severus and him a demanding look, and he strightened up again. Forced down a glass of pumpkin-juice, and grabbed two letters he had planned to bring with him to the owlery, to get them sent.
He rose, sent the headmistress a look, that told her everything he felt for her that particular day, whispered to her as he passed, that he needed to see her in her office in ten minutes, and hit the door, leading out to the back-entrance of the great hall.
Words couldn’t describe how much he loathed that woman at that wery moment. And he couldn’t understand what had happened last night. What had changed? Whad had she seen, or been told?


Harry whispered the password to the golden phoenix at the headmistress-office-entrance, the stairway appeared, and he hit a run up the steep stairs. He knocked on the door at the top, only to discover that Minerva was standing behind him. She slid around him, opened the door, and lead him in. Not a smile to see anywhere. Her face was strict and hardened. She looked angry in some way.

He didn’t bother to be offered a seat, he just sat down, and waited for her to speak. After all, she had do know there was something wrong. Normally, she would smile and be caring. This wasn’t her normal look.
As he waited, he looked to the picture on Minerva’s desk. Albus was supposed to be there. It was empty. All of a sudden Harry felt empty too. He felt something was wrong, and that he should have known something wasn’t right. He felt hollow.

Minerva found her seat, and faced him. ”He’s at the Ministry” she told him. ”listening in on some hearing about a new law. It doesn’t look too good.”
Harry knew something was up, but what? Did this have anything to do with last night. What about a new law. What kind of law? He had a million questions in his head, but he had to start this in the right order. First things first. And after all. His classes were to start in only half an hour. He had to do what he came for. …

After telling, sharing, looking totally devestated, helpless, asking how, why and what went trough her mind, he couldn’t help it. This habit of tearing up, wasn’t too welcome. He was, after all, supposed to be grown up by now.

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I do NOT own ANY of the characters used in this FANfiction.

All rights belong til J.K.Rowling - to whom we all owe our sanity.